
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lok6 gau2 si2
Character Meaning:
to fall; to drop; to go down; to put in; to add; to get an abortion; to abort
dog; pooch; sly; crafty; cunning; tricky; unworthy; of low character
faeces; excrement; droppings; shit; shitty; crappy
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Slang
to rain heavily; to rain cats and dogs; literally: to drop dog shit
(Cant.) ceot1min6lok6gau2si2wo3hai2dou6co5do1zan6dang2ting4jyu5sin1zau2laa1
(Eng.) It's raining cats and dogs outside. Why don't you stay for a bit longer and leave when the rain stops?
Synonym: Synonym: 傾盆大雨
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