
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mok6 daai6
Character Meaning:
not; do not; should not; cannot
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; university; large; old in age; older; senior; number two
Part of Speech: adjective
utmost; most extreme
(Cant.) mok6daai6faat3lik6
(Eng.) tremendous spiritual/dharma power
(Cant.) mok6daai6bei1jik1
(Eng.) tremendous benefits
(Cant.) mok6daai6on1wai3
(Eng.) greatest relief
(Cant.) mok6daai6jing2hoeng2
(Eng.) profound implications
See also: 竭 極點 不言而喻 前所未有 命大 大姐大 巨大 無庸置疑 與日俱增 舉足輕重 非同小可 非比尋常 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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