
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faa1 si5
Character Meaning:
flower; to spend; blossom; to use up; coloured; multicoloured; disorderly; messy; scratched; dirty
city; market; metropolitan area
Part of Speech: noun
Lunar New Year Fair; literally: flower market (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) gam1nin4faa1si5do1zo2hou2do1bun2dei6jyun4cong3ge3gung1zai2maai6m4使sai2zoi3maai5faan1baan2gung1zai2laa1
(Eng.) Forget about the cheap knock-offs. There are tons of original design stuffed figures by locals this year at the Lunar New Year Fair.
Synonym: Synonym: 年宵
See also: 人山人海 大檔 新正頭 水靜鵝飛 淡市 百貨商場 花墟 花天酒地 行大運 門庭若市 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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