
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hong4 sin3
Character Meaning:

thread; string; route; line; boundary; tier; network connection; reception; signal
Part of Speech: noun
air route; ship route (measure word: 條)
(Cant.) hoi1pik1san1hong4sin3
(Eng.) to open a new air/sea route
(Cant.) ci4jyut6piu3ze2ho2ji5bat1haan6ci3sou3sing4daap3bak1gok3zi3gau2lung4sing4kap6bak1gok3zi3hung3ham3hong4sin3
(Eng.) Passengers holding a monthly ticket are permitted to take unlimited rides on "North Point – Kowloon City" and "North Point – Hung Hom" services.
(Cant.) daai6bou6fan6hoeng1gong2heoi3au1zau1ge3hong4sin3dou1wui5ging1gwo3wu1hak1laan4
(Eng.) Most flights connecting Hong Kong and Europe pass through Ukraine.
See also: 航路 水路 路程 線 客運 渡輪 直航 航班 航程 航空公司 航路 航道 通航 飛線 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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