
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zi3 ming6
Character Meaning:
to deliver; to send; to cause; to incur; to achieve; to reach; to devote to; to concentrate on
life; fate; to order; to command; order; instruction; to assign a title; to entitle; lifetime
Part of Speech: adjective
fatal; lethal; can take lives
(Cant.) zi3ming6jat1gik1
(Eng.) a lethal attack
(Cant.) zi3ming6soeng1
(Eng.) death wound; mortal wound; fatal wound
(Cant.) kap1duk6ho2ji5zi3ming6
(Eng.) Drug taking can cause death.
See also: 死症 兇器 死 遇難者 以毒攻毒 可大可小 惡向膽邊生 核子武器 死裏逃生 毫無疑問 罪魁禍首 防不勝防 非同小可 非比尋常 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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