
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zi6 baau3
Character Meaning:
oneself; from; since; self-
strongly; intensively; extremely; super; vigorously; full; full house; filled to capacity; shocking; surprising; astonishing; strong; extreme; to explode; to burst; to crack; to break into; to force a way; to enter with force; to reveal a secret; to be full; to break out; to quick-fry
Part of Speech: verb
  • to disclose one's own secrets or news; literally "self explode"
    (Cant.) gu2m4dou3keoi5geoi1jin2hai2cyun4gung1si1ge3jan4min6cin4zi6baau3zi6gei2sai3go3ge3cau2si6
    (Eng.) To our surprise, he revealed his embarrassing childhood stories to everyone at the company.

  • to make a suicidal attack (usually in games or popular culture context)
    (Cant.) keoi5zi6baau3gam3do1ci3dou1sei2m4heoi3jau6gei2hou2je5wo3
    (Eng.) He made suicidal attacks repeatedly and still managed to survive. I have to say that I am somewhat impressed.

See also: 始亂終棄 捉蟲入屎忽 棄暗投明 爆響口 玩火自焚 發噏瘋 矢口否認 老羞成怒 自投羅網 見光死 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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