
Entry #1
Pronunciation: goek3
Part of Speech: noun
  • leg; also refer to different parts of leg such as thigh, calf, foot (measure word: 隻 / 對)
    (Cant.) keoi5deoi3goek3hou2leng3
    (Eng.) Her legs are beautiful.
    (Cant.) ng4gung1jau5gei2do1zek3goek3
    (Eng.) How many legs does a centipede have?
    (Cant.) keoi5deoi3goek3jau6daai6zo2di1haai4m4ngaam1zoek3laa3
    (Eng.) Her feet got bigger, and the shoes don't fit anymore.

  • base
    (Cant.) coeng4goek3
    (Eng.) the base of the wall
    (Cant.) jau4山腳saan1 goek3paa4dou3heoi3saan1deng2m4zi1jiu3gei2noi6
    (Eng.) I don't know how long it will take me to climb from the foot of the mountain to its top.

  • a person who joins an activity (usually mahjong) so that the event has enough people to start (measure word: 隻)
    (Cant.) 飯腳faan6 goek3
    (Eng.) lunch friends
    (Cant.) 麻雀腳maa4 zoek3 goek3
    (Eng.) a player in mahjong
    (Cant.) giu3maai4laan6dou2can2gam2mai6cai4goek3lo1
    (Eng.) Let's call Gambler Chan to fill the position so that we can start playing mahjong.
    (Cant.) zang1gam2jat1zek3goek3aa3faai3di1giu3jan4lai4daa2laa1
    (Eng.) We need one more player for mahjong! Let's ask someone to join us!

  • projecting part from an appliance or a tool (measure word: 隻)
    (Cant.) hoeng1gong2caap3tau2jau5saam1zek3goek3
    (Eng.) Plugs in Hong Kong have three pins each.

  • leg, accompanying selection in a banker bet
    (Cant.) saam1daam2to1sei3goek3
    (Eng.) 3 bankers with 4 other legs

Synonym: Synonym:
See also: 下肢 腿 貼身褲 緊身褲 基地 基本盤 基礎 根本
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