
Entry #1
Pronunciation: suk1 laap6 suk1 lap6
Character Meaning:
serious; solemn; to eliminate
to stand; to be upright; to be vertical; to be erect; immediate; instantaneous; to found; to set up
Part of Speech: verb
to stand up and remain silent; to stand as a mark of respect; to stand solemnly
(Cant.) cing2gok3wai2suk1laap6mak6oi1jat1fan1zung1
(Eng.) Please stand and observe a minute of silence.
See also: 宣誓 肅靜 以身作則 倒立 入鄉隨俗 君子協定 挺立 立正 肅然起敬 肅靜 行禮 起立 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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