
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zik1 jip6 beng6
Character Meaning:
duty; job; position; post
business; line of business; industry; occupation; profession; employment; property; belonging; (Buddhism) karma
illness; disease; to be ill; to be sick
Part of Speech: noun
  • occupational disease (measure word: 種 / 個)
    (Cant.) ting3lik6sau6syun2hai6ji5cin4hou2do1fung1paau3sau2ge3soeng4gin3zik1jip6beng6
    (Eng.) Hearing loss was a common occupational disease of many jackhammer operators in the past.

  • habit acquired due to knowledge and skills in a profession (measure word: 種 / 個)
    (Cant.) ngo5aa3baa4hai6zou6coi4fung2ge2keoi5jau5go3zik1jip6beng6zau6hai6haang4can1gaai1dou1lo2zyu6jan4dei6di1saam1taan4saam1taan4sei3
    (Eng.) My father is a tailor, and he has an occupational habit where he keeps criticizing clothing products in the boutique while shopping.

See also: 不治之症 中耳炎 作病 冠心病 強迫症 慢性病 敗血病 牙周病 痢疾 積勞成疾 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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