
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji4 ce2
Character Meaning:
and; as well as; moreover; but
and, also; temporary; still; already
Part of Speech: conjunction
also; as well; in addition
(Cant.) ni1gaan1uk1tai2lok6hou2syu1fuk6ji4ce2fut3lok6dou3bat1dak1liu5
(Eng.) This house is not only very comfortable but extremely spacious.
(Cant.) zung1man2faan1jik6mei6bit1zeon2gaa3ji4ce2tai2jyun4man4caa4zi1liu2dou1ji6di1
(Eng.) The Chinese translation may not be accurate. In addition, it's easier to look for information with the original text.
See also: 亦 也 亦都 並 同時 況且 兼且 除此之外 不過 事實上 兼且 因為 基本上 實際上 感覺上 所以 況且 除此之外 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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