
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haau2
Part of Speech: verb
  • to take an exam
    (Cant.) haau2daai6hok6
    (Eng.) to take an exam with the aim of getting into university; to take a college entrance exam
    (Cant.) haau2ce1paai4
    (Eng.) to take a driving test (in order to get a driving license)
    (Cant.) haau2滿mun5fan1
    (Eng.) to get full marks in an exam
    (Cant.) haau2baau1mei1
    (Eng.) to rank last in an exam

  • to test candidates on a particular subject or topic in an exam; to include a certain subject or topic in an examination
    (Cant.) hoeng1gong2di1gung1hoi1si3seng4jat6haau2maai4di1m4dang2使sai2ge3je5
    (Eng.) Public exams in Hong Kong always test students on pointless stuff.
    (Cant.) IELTSIELTSgo3hau2si3hai6haau2di1me1gaa3
    (Eng.) How is the IELTS speaking test assessed?

  • to quiz; to ask somebody questions in order to test their knowledge on a certain topic
    (Cant.) ngo5aam1aam1sin1wan1jyun4syu1bat1jyu4nei5haau2haa5ngo5zung6gei3m4gei3dak1aa1
    (Eng.) I've just finished my revision. Can you quiz me on it?
    (Cant.) dang2ngo5haau2haa5nei5nei5zi1m4zi1ou3zau1ge3sau2dou1hai6bin1dou6
    (Eng.) Let me quiz you: do you know what is the capital of Australia?
    (Cant.) waa3nei5zan1hai6haau2hei2ngo5wo3
    (Eng.) Whoa, that's a difficult question. I have no idea.

  • (of a difficult task) to require a particular aptitude or skill, thus putting one to the test
    (Cant.) waan2cai3tou4hou2haau2noi6sing3
    (Eng.) Jigsaw puzzles really put one's patience to the test.

See also: 應考
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