
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji6 bat1 jung4 ci4
Character Meaning:
just and righteous; meaning
no; negator; not
to let sby to; to allow sby to
to decline; statement; speech; to dismiss; to sack; to fire; to resign; to quit; to farewell; to say goodbye; to evade; to refuse; to shy away from; phrases; vocabularies; words; excuse
Part of Speech: expression
  • a moral responsibility one cannot relinquish
    (Cant.) ni1gin6si6ji6bat1jung4ci4ngo5bong1dak1sau2ge3zik1gun2hoi1seng1
    (Eng.) This is a matter of duty, I will do whatever I can to help you.

  • someone being inexcusably duty-bound
    (Cant.) keoi5teng1dou2fo2coeng4jap6bin6jau5haam3seng1zik1hak1ji6bat1jung4ci4gam2cung1zo2jap6heoi3
    (Eng.) When she heard faint cries from the flaming apartment, she rushed in without a second thought.

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