
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji6
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • just and righteous; deeds ought to be done
    (Cant.) 義工ji6 gung1
    (Eng.) volunteer
    (Cant.) 義氣ji6 hei3
    (Eng.) chivalry towards friends or brothers
    (Cant.) 正義感zing3 ji6 gam2
    (Eng.) sense of justice
    (Cant.) 見義勇為gin3 ji6 jung5 wai4
    (Eng.) not to hesitate to do what is right

  • meaning
    (Cant.) ci4ji6
    (Eng.) meaning of a word
    (Cant.) 意義ji3 ji6
    (Eng.) significance of something

  • things that are not genuine but try to act like the real ones
    (Cant.) 義母ji6 mou5
    (Eng.) stepmother
    (Cant.) 義肢ji6 zi1
    (Eng.) prosthetic

See also: 意義 意思 含意 平均 路
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