
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gai3 ji4
Character Meaning:
to continue; to follow after; to succeed; to come after
and; as well as; moreover; but
Part of Speech: conjunction
then; afterwards
(Cant.) go2go3neoi5hok6saang1jat1hoi1ci2zi2hai6sai3sai3seng1haam3gai3ji4daai6seng1gam2haam3
(Eng.) She first began to weep and then cried loudly.
(Cant.) co1zak1hau2gok3gai3ji4dung6mou5
(Eng.) They started by arguing and it turned physical.
Synonym: Synonym: 之後 然後 跟住
See also: 接着 嗰陣 當時 然之後 然後 跟住 後來 以後 後嚟 並且 久而久之 另一方面 因而 從而 忽而 無形中 與此同時 轉而 進而 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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