
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ging1 kei4
Character Meaning:
to pass through; pass thru; Scripture ((religious Book)); via; to pass by; book; menstruation
phase; hope; term; issue; periodic time; stage
Part of Speech: noun
  • mentrual cycle (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ngo5ging1kei4m4taai3zeon2ji5ging1loeng5go3jyut6mou5lei4Mem1
    (Eng.) My menstrual cycle is not stable. I haven't had a period for more than 2 months.

  • duration of a menstrual period (measure word: 次)
    (Cant.) ngo5mui5ci3ging1kei4daai6koi3saam1jat6gaa3zaa3
    (Eng.) My periods often last 3 days only.
    (Cant.) ging1kei4sik6zyu1gu1lik1ho2ji5gaam2heng1bat1sik1
    (Eng.) Having chocolate during menstrual period can reduce discomfort.

Synonym: Synonym: M
See also: 依期 停經 婚期 安全期 更年期 產前檢查 空窗期 經痛 預產期 高峯期 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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