
Entry #1
Pronunciation: joek3 paau3
Character Meaning:
to make an appointment; approximately; about; around; to make appointment; to arrange
gun; big gun; firecracker; cannon; artillery; camera lens
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Slang
to hook up; to find a person to have sex
(Cant.) gaau1jau5app?ep1joek3paau3appep1zau6zan1
(Eng.) Is it really a dating app? Or is it in fact an app for hookups?
See also: 三跪九叩 傾閒計 君子之交淡如水 打茄輪 指腹為婚 烏燈黑火 男女授受不親 話不投機半句多 重色輕友 鑽木取火 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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