
Entry #1
Pronunciation: syun3 pun4
Character Meaning:
calculate; nevermind; to tally; to analyze; to let it be; to let it pass; to forget it; to be counted as; to be regarded
plate; tray; dish; real estate; birth chart; a surname; rounds
Part of Speech: noun
abacus; tool with rods and beads used for calculation (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) daa2syun3pun4
(Eng.) to calculate with an abacus; calculation; plan; scheme
(Cant.) 如意算盤jyu4 ji3 syun3 pun4
(Eng.) wishful plan; wishful thinking; smug calculation
See also: 打算盤 光盤 命盤 心知肚明 打主意 撒手鐧 旗鼓相當 算死草 算無遺策 鬼主意 鯉躍龍門 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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