
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lap1 seoi2
Character Meaning:
to cover with; to encase in; to steal; bamboo rain hat
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
Part of Speech: verb
to be afraid of something; to cower; to retreat out of fear
(Cant.) sei3zek3deedi2hai2saai3nei5dou6laa1nei5gam2dou1lap1seoi2m4daai6keoi5sik1m4sik1waan2gaa3nei5
(Eng.) You have all four "two"s, how come you passed the round instead of playing them? Do you know how to play Big 2?
(Cant.) keoi5naat3hing3zo2gaak3lei4toi2go3daai6zek3lou2zik1haak1lap1saai3seoi2gam2fun2etet1dou1m4gam2etet1
(Eng.) Once he realized he had aggravated the muscular guy at the next table, he shrank back in terror, too scared to speak.
Synonym: Synonym: 淆底 褪軚
See also: 瑟縮 退縮
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