
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wo4 gon2 kam2 zan1 zyu1
Character Meaning:
to cover; all; to slap one's face; (of openings) tight; firm; lid; cap; cover; to conceal; entire
treasure; precious; valuable
bead; pearl
Part of Speech: expression
something is far more valuable than it look, or someone hides his assets under a mundane appearance; literally "to hide a pearl in a haystack"
(Cant.) mai5tai2daat6suk1ping4si4jat1san1牛記笠記ngau4 gei3 lap1 gei3kei4sat6wo4gon2kam2zan1zyu1zaa1zyu6ng5go3dik1si2paai4hai2sau2gwo3cin1maan6san1gaa1dou1lai4laa3
(Eng.) Don't judge from his shabby looking, Uncle Tat owns 5 Taxi Licences well worth over ten million; he is just hiding the pearl in a haystack.
(Cant.) ping4si4tai2jan1jan1ji1zoek3gam3bou2sau2gam1jat6gin3keoi5bat1jip6maan5jin3zoek3hei2ni1tiu4kwan4san1coi4zan1hai6hou2jau5liu2dou3hou2sok3ding2jyun4loi4keoi5jat1zik6ji5loi4dou1hai6wo4gon2kam2zan1zyu1
(Eng.) Yan usually dressed modestly, but she is so well-endowed and sexy in that evening gown at Graduation Dinner today. Damn, she was hiding the pearl in a haystack the whole time.
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