
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zuk1 ho6
Character Meaning:
to wish; to pray; express good wishes; blessing; celebrate
to celebrate; to congratulate
Part of Speech: verb
to congratulate; to felicitate
(Cant.) ngo5soeng2ze3ni1go3gei1wui6zuk1ho6so2jau5dak1zoeng2ze2
(Eng.) I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners.
(Cant.) saa1lei2dai6jat1go3cung1sin3zi1hau6ngo5dei6zau2gwo3heoi3zuk1ho6keoi5paau2jeng4bei2coi3
(Eng.) After Sally had come first to cross the finish line, we went there and congratulated her on having won her race.
Synonym: Synonym: 恭喜
See also: 賀 慶賀 道賀 恭喜 恭喜 恭祝 恭賀 慶賀 祝壽 祝捷 祝福 祝酒 致意 道賀 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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