
Entry #1
Pronunciation: se5 kei5
Character Meaning:
club; society; organisation; earth; land
stand; to stand; to stay upright; to hope; to wish; to look forward to; enterprise
Part of Speech: noun
social enterprise; shorthand for 社會企業 se5 wui2 kei5 jip6 (measure word: 間)
(Cant.) hoeng1gong2ge3se5kei5faat3zin2sap6gei2nin4lai4jyut6lai4jyut6sing4suk6
(Eng.) The development of social enterprises in Hong Kong has been gradually mature in more than ten years.
See also: 社會企業 個體户 共享經濟 合作社 小本經營 社會工作者 社福 社群 肄業 自負盈虧 飲食業 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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