
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zi1 cau2
Character Meaning:
to know; knowledge; to realise; to understand; to inform
ugly((look)); ugly; bad-looking; shameful; disgraceful; embarrassing; bad; evil
Part of Speech: verb
to have a sense of shame; to feel shame when one should
(Cant.) nei5zou6gam3do1seoi1je5zung6dong3joek6mou4kei4si6gam2zi1m4zi1cau2gaa3nei5
(Eng.) You have done so many bad things but you act as if nothing has happened. Do you have any sense of shame?
(Cant.) mou5aa3ngo5jau6m4zi1cau2ge2mai6daam2cou1cou1heoi3si3haa2dim2zi1jau6dak1zo2
(Eng.) Nah, I didn't feel ashamed anyway so I gave it a try. Turns out that it works.
See also: 知恥 不知所謂 好恰 怕醜 有眼不識泰山 知恥 知衰 老老實實 醜八怪 面目可憎 鬼知 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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