
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tai2 tau3
Character Meaning:
to look; to look at; to see; to watch; to check; to find out; to think; to judge; to consider; to depend on; to be affected by; to take care of; to keep an eye on; to monitor; be careful of; be wary of
to infiltrate; to penetrate; to seep through; to pass through; light; diaphanous
Part of Speech: verb
  • to understand thoroughly
    (Cant.) keoi5deoi3ni1hong4ji5ging1tai2tung1tai2tau3jau5me1je5dou1naan4m4dou2keoi5
    (Eng.) He has a thorough understanding of his profession, so anything that arises causes him no difficulty.

  • to see through; to penetrate
    (Cant.) ni1go3jan4hou2lek1ngo5nam2mou5jan4tai2dak1tau3keoi5nam2gan2mat1
    (Eng.) This person is very smart. I think no one can see through him (know what he is thinking or planning).

See also: 貫穿 穿 參悟 切入
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