
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng1 gaak3
Character Meaning:
photograph; each other; one another; mutual; reciprocal; picture; snapshot; appearance; divination; assist; minister; civil officer; phase
at a distance from; to separate; (of time) to pass
Part of Speech: verb
to be separated by (time or space)
(Cant.) soeng1gaak3cin1lei5
(Eng.) separated by a thousand miles
(Cant.) dou1soeng1gaak3gam3do1nin4lo3ngo5m4soeng2zoi3tai4laa3
(Eng.) It's been so many years (since it happened), I don't want to mention it again.
See also: 事隔 分道揚鑣 分隔 擦身而過 相差無幾 相距 距離 近在咫尺 間隔 闊別 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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