
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyu4 laan4 zit3
Character Meaning:

festival; length; stanza; joint of plant; joint; node; division; section; part; holiday; item; matter; to economise; to save; to restrain
Part of Speech: noun
Ghost Festival, also known as Hungry Ghost Festival; held on the 14th day of the 7th lunar month. According to folklore, the door to the underworld opens on this day and all the "hungry ghosts" come out to roam the world of the living. Joss paper is burnt and offerings are made for the deliverance of the ghosts.
(Cant.) jyu4laan4zit3zau6lai4dou3laa3je6maan5m4hou2seng4jat6ceot1gaai1
(Eng.) Hungry Ghost Festival is nigh; don't go out so often at night.
See also: 旁枝末節 潑水節 神誕 端午節 脱節 良辰吉日 貞節 送舊迎新 重陽節 鬼節 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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