
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baak3 jat6 jin3
Character Meaning:
hundred; hundreds digit; hundreds place
day; sun; daytime; shorthand for Japan; 24 hours
banquet; party
Part of Speech: noun
a party to celebrate the one hundredth day since the birthday of an infant (measure word: 個 / 餐 / 場)
(Cant.) keoi5zou2caan2zo2seng4go3lai5baai3滿mun5jyut2go2zan2zung6hai2beng6fong2so2ji5ji4gaa1tung4keoi5gaau2faan1go3baak3jat6jin3
(Eng.) She is a premature baby and spent her first month in intentional care, we are now making up for it with a hundred-day party.
Synonym: Synonym: 滿月酒 薑酌
See also: 百倮宴
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