
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baak6 piu3
Character Meaning:
white; to inform; easy to understand; in vain; for nothing; free of charge; at no cost
ticket; cheque
Part of Speech: noun
blank vote (measure word: 張)
(Cant.) gam1ci3zung2tung2daai6syun2ngo5loeng5go3dou1tau4m4lok6sau2wai4jau5tau4baak6piu3ji5si6bat1滿mun5
(Eng.) I don't want to vote for either of the two presidential candidates, so all I can do is cast a blank vote to declare my dissatisfaction.
See also: 保皇黨 做票 唱票 廢票 彈票 泛民主派 糧票 補票 跳票 軍票 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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