
Entry #1
Pronunciation: faat3 ming4 gaa1
Character Meaning:
send out; get rich; to occur; to start; to rise; to produce; to send out; to distribute; to allocate; to spread out; to express; to develop; to become; to flourish; to feel; to expose; to discover; to invent; to whisk; to whip someone; to prosper; to be rich; to worsen; to grow a plant
to understand; bright; coming; next; clear; explicit; blatantly; unabashedly; the Ming Dynasty
home; family
Part of Speech: noun
inventor (measure word: 個)
See also: 一本萬利 企業家 博學多才 名噪一時 實業家 愛迪生 文房四寶 耍家 電子計算機 鼎鼎大名 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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