
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tung3 sam1
Character Meaning:
painful; aching; extremely; deeply; bitterly; emotionally
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
Part of Speech: adjective
distressed; grieved
(Cant.) ngo5hou2ming4baak6sat1heoi3can1jan4go2zung2tung3sam1
(Eng.) I fully understand how distressed it is to lose a family member.
(Cant.) mui5ci3tai2san1man2gin3dou2di1jan4joek6doi6dung6mat6dou1wui5gok3dak1hou2tung3sam1
(Eng.) It breaks my heart every time to see news stories of people abusing animals.
See also: 心痛 悲傷 哀痛 憂患 傷心 傷感 心痛 惋惜 憂心 憤怒 憤慨 氣憤 沮喪 難過 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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