
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dong1 si4
Character Meaning:
as; consider; when; while; just at; to work as; to serve as; to undertake; to face; to be situated in; to consider; to treat as; to think of; to pawn an item; should; ought to; suitable; just
o'clock; times; days
Part of Speech: noun
at that time; at that moment; then
(Cant.) ngo5dong1si4hou2hoi1sam1
(Eng.) I was very happy at that time.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6dong1si4zung6mei6git3fan1
(Eng.) We were still unmarried then.
(Cant.) ngo5dei6paak3sip3dou2dong1si4ge3cing4fong3
(Eng.) We took photos of what happened at that time.
Synonym: Synonym: 當其時
See also: 當初 嗰時 接着 嗰陣 然之後 然後 初時 名噪一時 周時 早時 時至今日 曾幾何時 最初 當初 當年 起初 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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