
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaai3 sin3
Character Meaning:
boundary; category of people
thread; string; route; line; boundary; tier; network connection; reception; signal
Part of Speech: noun
boundary; border line; demarcation line (measure word: 條)
(Cant.) 劃清界線waak6 cing1 gaai3 sin3
(Eng.) to distance from (literally: to draw a line with somebody)
(Cant.) go3sing4si5jung6ni1tiu4ho4zou6gaai3sin3fan1hoi1naam4bak1loeng5min6
(Eng.) This river marks the boundary between the southern and northern part of the city.
See also: 線 界限 境 疆 分界線 分線 對角線 底線 折線 楚河漢界 界限 疆界 警戒線 邊界 雙黃線 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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