
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jung6 dei6
Character Meaning:
to use; to use up; usefulness; to enjoy; for a specific use
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
Part of Speech: noun
land for a certain use (measure word: 幅 / 塊)
(Cant.) zung2jung6dei6
(Eng.) total land area
(Cant.) gung1jip6jung6dei6
(Eng.) land in industrial use
(Cant.) ho2faat3zin2jung6dei6
(Eng.) sites available for development
(Cant.) zing3fu2wui5kok3bou2jau5zuk1gau3jung6dei6daat6dou3faat3zin2muk6biu1
(Eng.) The government will guarantee sufficient land to achieve development goals.
See also: 丁地 土地 地段 地皮 地積比率 官地 用途 發展商 農地 郊野公園 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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