
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jung6 ban2
Character Meaning:
to use; to use up; usefulness; to enjoy; for a specific use
product; character; quality
Part of Speech: noun
product; stuff; material (measure word: 件 / 項)
(Cant.) ji1liu4jung6ban2
(Eng.) medical supplies
(Cant.) ngo5jiu3maai5di1syu1faat3jung6ban2
(Eng.) I need to buy some calligraphy stuff.
(Cant.) nei5hai6seoi1jiu3di1me1jung6ban2
(Eng.) What kind of product do you need?
See also: 商品 積 作業 物產 產品 東西 用料 物資 材 材料 資料 供品 免税品 化妝品 必需品 手工藝品 洗手液 消耗品 用具 護膚品 飾品 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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