yue:#有用 (jau5 jung6)
eng:useful; literally, to have use
yue:#冇用 (mou5 jung6)
eng:useless; literally, to have no use
eng:(usually of food) to have; to enjoy
yue:#享用 (hoeng2 jung6)
eng:to enjoy and use
yue:#用餐 (jung6 caan1)
eng:(formal) to have a meal; to dine
yue:#用膳 (jung6 sin6)
eng:(formal) to have a meal; to dine
eng:for a specific use
eng:for business use
eng:for self-use
eng:for industrial use
eng:to use; to employ a tool or method to achieve an end
yue:呢幅畫我用電腦畫嘅。 (ni1 fuk1 waa2 ngo5 jung6 din6 nou5 waak6 ge2.)
eng:This picture was drawn by me using a computer.
yue:我用廣東話講多次俾你聽啦。 (ngo5 jung6 gwong2 dung1 waa2 gong2 do1 ci3 bei2 nei5 teng1 laa1.)
eng:Let me explain to you again using Cantonese.
yue:#消耗 資源
eng:to use up; to expend resources, whether physical or temporal
yue:支牙膏用咗一半。 (zi1 ngaa4 gou1 jung6 zo2 jat1 bun3.)
eng:The toothpaste in the tube is half-used up.
yue:佢用咗三年時間寫呢本書。 (keoi5 jung6 zo2 saam1 nin4 si4 gaan3 se2 ni1 bun2 syu1.)
eng:He has spent three years writing this book.
yue:我用咗六嚿幾先撲到張飛咋。 (ngo5 jung6 zo2 luk6 gau6 gei2 sin1 pok3 dou2 zoeng1 fei1 zaa3.)
eng:I spent up to 600 dollars and more buying the ticket.