
Entry #1
Pronunciation: waan4 bou2 zi2
Character Meaning:
ring; hoop
to protect; to defend; to guard; to maintain; to keep status quo; to guarantee; to keep; to preserve; to bail out
paper; currency; banknote
Part of Speech: noun
  • recycled paper (measure word: 張)
    (Cant.) ni1bun2siu2caak3zi2hai6jung6waan4bou2zi2jan3zai3gaa3so2ji5sing4bun2wui5gou1siu2siu2
    (Eng.) This booklet is printed on recycled paper, so the cost is a bit higher.

  • paper to be reused, mostly refer to one-sided paper (measure word: 張)
    (Cant.) jan3cou2稿gou2ge3waa2zau6jung6waan4bou2zi2laa1
    (Eng.) Please print on one-sided paper for the draft.

See also: 故衣 再造 回收 再生
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