
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baan1 kik1
Character Meaning:
class; group; (military) squad; to assemble; to recruit; to call together; run; flight; shift; duty
halberd; pancake
Part of Speech: noun
  • (English loan) pancake, a flat, thin cake made from batter cooked on a hot surface like a griddle or frying pan (measure word: 件 / 塊)
    (Cant.) mui5go3sing1kei4jat6ziu1zou2ngo5dou1wui5dak6dang1zou2di1hei2san1heoi3mak6gei3sik6baan1kik1
    (Eng.) Every Sunday, I wake up earlier in the morning just to have pancakes at McDonald's.

  • crêpe, a thin pancake often served with whipped cream and fruit (like mango) or savoury fillings (like spinach) (measure word: 份 / 嚿)
    (Cant.) mong1gwo2baan1kik1jau6peng4jau6hou2sik6bat1gwo3di1gei6lim1ging6fei4
    (Eng.) Mango crêpes are cheap and tasty, but the whipped cream contains a ton of fat.

See also: pancake 凍餅 刨冰 士多啤梨 心太軟 格仔餅 梳乎厘 窩夫 西多士 鬆餅 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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