
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zan1 zyu1 dou1 mou5 gam3 zan1
Character Meaning:
treasure; precious; valuable
bead; pearl
all, also; too; also; all; still; already
don't have; no big deal; nothing important; do not; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; to not have; to not own; to not possess
like; so; well; then; that; such; this; in this manner; in this way
true; earnest; real; genuine; sincere; honest; wholehearted; really; truly; indeed; clearly; carefully; serious
Variants: Variants: 珍珠都冇咁
Part of Speech: expression
one-hundred-percent true, totally genuine, absolutely real; a wordplay on 珍珠 zan1 zyu1 'pearl', the first character of which has the same pronunciation as zan1 'real'; literally 'more real than pearls'
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