
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wun6 geoi6
Character Meaning:
to play; to have fun with; to be unserious; to joke; to trifle with; to treat lightly
possess; to have; to possess
Part of Speech: noun
toy; plaything (measure word: 件)
(Cant.) daai6jan4m4waan2wun6geoi6ce1biu1soeng2gei1jam1hoeng2mai6jau6hai6daai6jan4ge3wun6geoi6
(Eng.) Adults no longer play with toys? Cars, watches, cameras, hi-fi, aren't those the toys of adults?
(Cant.) keoi5seng4jat6maai5wun6geoi6bei2go3zai2
(Eng.) He often buys toys for his son.
(Cant.) nei5ji5ging1jau5hou2do1fan6wun6geoi6laa3zung6maai5
(Eng.) You have many toys already, why you are still buying them?
See also: 玩意 嘢玩 公仔 夾公仔 手工藝品 扭蛋機 洋娃娃 玩物 紅白機 耐用品 裝飾品 遊戲機 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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