
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ngau4 juk6 gon1
Character Meaning:
cow; cattle
meat; flesh; pulp; flesh of fruit
dry; in a dry manner; to dry; to dehydrate; dried; preserved; desiccated
Part of Speech: noun
  • beef jerky (measure word: 塊)

  • parking ticket (measure word: 張)
    (Cant.) sik6ngau4juk6gon1
    (Eng.) get a parking ticket
    (Cant.) keoi5taam1fong1便bin6paak3zo2gaa3ce1hai2ji1jyun2mun4hau2ji4gaa1zing6hai6sik6zo2zoeng1ngau4juk6gon1mai6syun3hou2coi2lo1
    (Eng.) He parked his car at the entrance of the hospital for convenience. It is fortunate that all he gets is a parking ticket.

See also: 豬肉乾 扽 五花肉 奶皇包 水煎包 沙河粉 牛皮紙 珍珠雞 生米煮成熟飯 豆腐乾 軟腍腍 食詐糊 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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