
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau3 siu3
Character Meaning:
strongly; intensively; extremely; super; vigorously; full; full house; filled to capacity; shocking; surprising; astonishing; strong; extreme; to explode; to burst; to crack; to break into; to force a way; to enter with force; to reveal a secret; to be full; to break out; to quick-fry
to laugh; to smile; to ridicule; to laugh at
Part of Speech: verb
to burst into extreme laughter
(Cant.) keoi5gong2zo2di1je5zi1hau6cyun4coeng4baau3siu3keoi5zi6gei2dou1m4zi1faat3sang1me1si6
(Eng.) He said something and then the audience burst into laughter, he himself didn't even know what's happening.
See also: 哄堂大笑 忍俊不禁 搞笑 無厘頭 爆咪 破涕為笑 笑吟吟 笑哈哈 笑喪 笑逐顏開 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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