
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baau3 mun5
Character Meaning:
strongly; intensively; extremely; super; vigorously; full; full house; filled to capacity; shocking; surprising; astonishing; strong; extreme; to explode; to burst; to crack; to break into; to force a way; to enter with force; to reveal a secret; to be full; to break out; to quick-fry
滿 full; expired; Manchu; Manchuria; complete; completed
Part of Speech: verb
to be crowded out; to be completely full; to be full house
(Cant.) keoi5mui5ci3hoi1jin2coeng3wui2dou1coeng4coeng4baau3滿mun5
(Eng.) All concerts that he opens are full house.
See also: 人山人海 人滿為患 人頭湧湧 供不應求 座無虛席 水泄不通 水靜鵝飛 滿座 爆場 高朋滿座 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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