
Entry #1
Pronunciation: nung1 lung1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • burnt; charred
    (Cant.) di1faan6nung1saai3laa3zung6m4sik1fo2
    (Eng.) The rice is burnt! Turn off the rice cooker right now!
    (Cant.) gau6caa1siu1gam3nung1m4hou2sik6laa3
    (Eng.) The roast pork is burnt, don't eat it.
    (Cant.) keoi5tou4lei4fo2coeng4ge3si4hau6tau4faat3ji5ging1bei2daai6fo2siu1nung1zo2
    (Eng.) His hair was burnt when he escaped from the fire.

  • (of leaves) withered
    (Cant.) ngo5zin2zo2di1nung1jip6
    (Eng.) I cut the withered leaves.

  • with an angry/irritated face
    (Cant.) go3sai3lou6neoi2mou5syut3gou1sik6so2ji5min6nung1nung1
    (Eng.) The girl did not get to eat ice-cream, so she wore an angry face.

  • used to describe a drastic drop in (capital) stock, especially in speculation
    (Cant.) 炒燶caau2 nung1gu2piu3
    (Eng.) to lose money through speculation
    (Cant.) zek3gu2piu3nung1saai3jat1jat6dit3zo2saam1sing4
    (Eng.) The stock has dropped 30% in a day.

See also: 焦 枯 枯萎 凋
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