
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bou1 zai2 faan6
Character Meaning:
boil; cooking pot; kettle; cooker; boiler; to boil; to smoke cigarettes
son; boyfriend; to soften the tone
meal; cooked rice; stupid; idiot
Part of Speech: noun
clay pot rice; a popular food in Hong Kong, made by slowly heating rice and other ingredients in a small clay or metal pot (measure word: 個 / 煲)
See also: 海南雞飯 爐端燒 珍珠雞 秀色可餐 糯米飯 蛋包飯 車仔麪 鐵板燒 食詐糊 鹽焗雞 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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