
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou4 zoeng3 ngoi6 cit3 si1
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
block; barrier
to obstruct
to establish; to equip; to install; (mathematics) let; to set up; to design; to devise; to work out
to put into effect; to execute; to carry out; to enforce; to bestow; to grant; to exert; to impose; to use; to apply
Part of Speech: noun
accessible facility
(Cant.) ji4gaa1hou2do1gong2tit3zaam6dou1jau5mou4zoeng3ngoi6cit3si1co5leon4ji2ge3jan4dou1jung6dou2
(Eng.) There are now a lot of accessible facilities in MTR stations. Even wheelchair users can access them easily.
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