
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mou4 sam1 caap3 lau5
Character Meaning:
nothing; none; nil; without; lacking
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
to insert; to thrust; to put in; to stick in; to add; to place between; to join; to reprimand; to scold; to admonish; to chastize; to drop in price
willow; boneless flesh of
Part of Speech: verb
to have unexpected results which one did not intend for; originated from 無心插柳柳成蔭 mou4sam1 caap3lau5 lau5 sing4jam3
(Cant.) dong1si4zi2bat1gwo3hai6mou4sam1caap3lau5gu2m4dou3hou2ping4jyu4ciu4
(Eng.) It was just an accident, but it gained a sea of compliments.
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