
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caau2 saan2
Character Meaning:
stir-fry; to stir-fry; to speculate; to fire; to sack; to lay off; to fail; to perform badly; to have an argument; to have a row; to hit something; to take a photo
scattered; break up; disperse; powdered medicine; to distribute; to sprinkle; to end; temporary
Part of Speech: verb
to do casual work (mainly in the restaurant industry)
(Cant.) ngo5pang4jau5gam3do1nin4lai4dou1caau2gan2saan2mou5nam2zyu6wan2coeng4gung1
(Eng.) My friend has been doing casual work for years, and is not looking to find a more regular job.
See also: 停薪留職 好食懶飛 投閒置散 朝不保夕 炒麪 節衣縮食 老散 臨時工 行行企企 遊手好閒 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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