
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fo2 joek6 mei6
Character Meaning:
fire; watt; passion
medicine; drug
taste; smell; to be underwater; to dive; flavour; odour; aroma; perception; impression; style; implication; connotation; feeling; emotion
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
tension; powder keg; literally: the smell of gunpowder
(Cant.) fo2joek6mei6hou2cong5
(Eng.) extremely tensed atmosphere; literally, really intense scent of gunpowder
(Cant.) keoi5loeng5go3zi1gaan1jau5di1fo2joek6mei6
(Eng.) The situation between the two of them is a powder keg.
See also: 表面張力 張力 七里香 乾柴烈火 伏味 劍拔弩張 星味 火氣 男人味 紅卜卜 酒色財氣 食髓知味 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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