
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jin2 syut3
Character Meaning:
to show off; to perform; to play; to act; ostentatious; to change; to shift; to deliberate
to say; persuade; to speak; to talk; theory; hypothesis; model; to convince; to persuade
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
speech; address (measure word: 次 / 篇 / 段)
(Cant.) faat3biu2jin2syut3
(Eng.) to address the public
Synonym: Synonym: 演講
See also: 直截了當 演講 地址 地埗 導言 悼詞 悼辭 演講 發言 美談 致詞 談話 講話 開場白 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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