
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cing1 coeng3
Character Meaning:
clear; to clean; pure; simple; (of food) light; plain; not greasy; completely; thoroughly; to deplete; to use up; to finish up; to empty; to remove; the Qing Dynasty
to sing; to spread
Part of Speech: verb
to sing without any musical accompaniment
(Cant.) ni1sau2go1nei5soeng2cing1coeng3ding6jiu3pui3ngok6aa3
(Eng.) Do you want to sing with or without musical accompaniment?
See also: 代唱 唱和 唱盤 奏樂 歌詠 正歌 演唱 獨唱 背景音樂 自彈自唱 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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