
Entry #1
Pronunciation: cing1 jat1 sik1
Character Meaning:
clear; to clean; pure; simple; (of food) light; plain; not greasy; completely; thoroughly; to deplete; to use up; to finish up; to empty; to remove; the Qing Dynasty
one; as soon as; once
colour; countenance; look; expression; feminine charm; lust; sex; scenery; quality; characteristic
Part of Speech: adverb
indicating the commonality between a group of people
(Cant.) si6wai1ze2cing1jat1sik1zoek3zyu6haak1sik1Tti1seot1caam1gaa1jau4hang4
(Eng.) Demonstrators all wore black T-shirts to participate in the demonstration.
(Cant.) gam1ci3ge3jyu4gaa1baan1cing1jat1sik1dou1hai6neoi5zai2
(Eng.) All the students of this yoga class are female.
See also: 三原色 五顏六色 千篇一律 大小通吃 大驚失色 平分秋色 油頭粉面 白裏透紅 蓬頭垢面 面無人色 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: cing1 jat1 sik1
Character Meaning:
clear; to clean; pure; simple; (of food) light; plain; not greasy; completely; thoroughly; to deplete; to use up; to finish up; to empty; to remove; the Qing Dynasty
one; as soon as; once
colour; countenance; look; expression; feminine charm; lust; sex; scenery; quality; characteristic
Part of Speech: noun
a completed mahjong hand all with the same suit of Coins, Strings or Myriads
See also: 三原色 五顏六色 千篇一律 大小通吃 大驚失色 平分秋色 油頭粉面 白裏透紅 蓬頭垢面 面無人色 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License